Friday, June 6, 2008


Tonight I'm riding down to the Laurelhurst Theater for a Meetup movie night. The movie is Persepolis, which I didn't know a lot about until I found that link. Who knew they speak French in Iran - interesting.

The weather is much like last night - windy, drizzly (or drizzly looking at least) and chilly. Of the three, I'm not really sure which I hate the most. I guess it depends on how I'm dressed, how far I have to pedal and how I'm feeling at the time the question is posed. It also depends on the degree to which I'm facing any of those elements. Like, 'raining like a sumbitch' probably sucks worse than, 'a little windy'. 'Drizzly' is probably a lot more bearable than 'colder than forty hells'. I suppose they all suck in their own special way.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Suck it up, you candyass.