Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Sweet Jesus

I broke that old universal cardinal rule - don't go to the grocery store hungry. It's even more important for poor bastards on bikes. I got a little carried away at Whole Foods.

It may not look like a lot, but that goddamn jar of sauerkraut alone weighs 2 pounds! You'll just have to trust me on this - this shit was heavy. (Yes, that's 2 boxes of cookies - I've been eating like a wolverine ever since I started riding - cut me some slack)

The vast majority of it fit in my backpack, but I did have to cram some stuff into a small bag I picked up at Performance Bike on the way to Whole Foods. Had I not gotten the bag at Performance, I would have been screwed. I wish now I had gotten a bigger one - but then I'd just be tempted to fill it - probably with 2 more pounds of sauerkraut.

The book pictured is David Sedaris' new one called, When You Are Engulfed in Flames. I stopped off at Powell's Books on Hawthorne to pick it up on my way to Whole Foods. I grabbed a coffee and quickly read the first chapter. So far, so good - typical Sedaris humor. I can't imagine there's anyone who hasn't heard of David Sedaris, but if you are unfamiliar with his work you must go get Me Talk Pretty One Day and/or Naked. I would advise you not read them in public so as to save yourself the embarrassment of uncontrollably laughing out loud while people stare and think you've gone batshit. (Thanks Danielle for letting me know this was coming out today)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I'd eat all that food (minus the sauerkraut) in three days.