Thursday, June 26, 2008


When I first got to Portland I wasn't too concerned about going to the DMV to get my Oregon drivers license. That all changed when I found out that by law it was supposed to be done within 30 days of arriving in Oregon. Learning that I also had to take the written exam for not just the car, but also for the motorcycle license only served to heighten my anxiety. So I studied the book (all 120+ pages - car only, I figured the motorcycle test would have to be done another day) and headed down to the DMV with all my paperwork in tow.

Upon arriving (this was my second trip - the first is where I learned what I would need to bring and that I would have to take the tests) I presented my paperwork and was promptly told that despite now possessing a letter from my power company with my name and address on it (used for address verification) that I would not in fact be able to use this letter because the power company had not dated it. Being that this was my second time being turned away at the DMV, I was a little pissed - to say the least. I explained that I didn't have anything else to verify that I now resided in Oregon and the young woman behind the desk was less than sympathtic. I was also steamed of course, because I had just read the damn book cover to cover and wanted to take the test while the knowledge was still fresh and before my own terrible driving habits could muddy the information waters.

It was at that point that I decided I would just do it when I got around to it. Well, today was that day. Now, with even more paperwork in hand and a fresh, if someone glancing, familiarity with the book, I headed back to the DMV to have another go at it. I decided while I was there that I would go ahead and take both the car and motorcycle tests together, even though I hadn't even so much as looked at the motorcycle book - a revelation that inspired a shockwave of 'oohs' and 'aahs' from my fellow citizens. I was instantly projected to hero-like status for having the courage to take both tests together, at one sitting. Very few Oregonians were even able to pull this off and here I was a foreigner from some 3000 miles away - a distant land to these people.

I was called to the counter, signed a few places, and off I went to the testing booth.

The car test went well. I aced it quickly with 97%. The motorcycle test - not so much. Turns out you really should open the book at least once before attempting the test. I missed the first question - then got a few right - then missed two in a row - skipped a few - got a few more right and wrong and I was done. 83%. However, you only need 80% to pass. So yes, I went to the DMV and rocked 'em. I also aced the eye test and I didn't even know there was going to be an eye test!

What was my prize for acing not one, but three tests? A paper drivers license. I'm not kidding. I couldn't even take the goddamn test initially because I didn't have the proper verification for living in Portland and they hand me a paper drivers license? A document so easy to forge, anyone with an inkjet printer or enough spare change for Kinko's could become me. My permanent license is supposed to arrive in 10 days by mail.

The moral of this story is that DMVs are really the same where ever you go, I guess. Actually, the one in Virginia was much more advanced and a little easier to navigate through.

Despite having everything in order today, I still have to go back with my motorcycle to have them verify the VIN number. I guess it was my fault for not driving both my truck and my motorcycle to the DMV this morning.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


I've been in a kind of funk since the weekend. I've really not gone anywhere, but when I did, I rode the motorcycle, mostly. Tonight in a effort to try and snap out of it, I'm riding down to Tiny's for coffee and coffee cake and to read a little.

The weather has been really nice, so no complaints there. Maybe the last time I went to acupuncture Courtney (my acupuncturist) stick a needle in the wrong place or too deep. Actually the last time I went may have been just that - the last time. It hurt like hell and I don't think it can be completely blamed on my needle-phobia. I'd like to give it a while longer, but it's having the exact opposite effect and makes me even more nervous and anxious when I go.

In any case, I haven't been hit by a car. I was posed that by two different people because I said it I stopped writing, it means I'm in hospital. I'm not. I'm just lazy with not much to report.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Nothing really to report from the weekend. I rode the motorcycle around a good part of the day Saturday - I really should have been on my bike, but I was really looking forward to riding the motorcycle.

Saturday night I went to see Indiana Jones with Dani downtown, which I did ride down to on my bike and not motorcycle. The movie was so-so. I think they tried a little too hard to re-capture the magic of the original movies. The movie started at 10, so I was riding back after midnight and arrived home a little before 1. Kinda scary being on the road at that hour with concerns of drunk drivers.

Today, I completely cheated and drove my truck to the grocery store. I know, I suck.

I also went to dinner with my co-worker Matt and his wife Leslie and Felix, their daughter. We went to Vita which is a mostly vegan restaurant not too far from their house. It's a pretty good haul, so I went by motorcycle.

I'll have to get busy back on the bike tomorrow.