Saturday, July 12, 2008

Seriously WTF?

Why do people ride this much? My knees are experiencing a whole new level of fucked. My Achilles tendon in my right foot is pissed. My neck is sore from holding up my melon head all day. Don't even ask about my arse.

And you know what, I'm only half-fucking-way there! I'll be a giant meatball by the time I get to Portland tomorrow. Assuming I get to Portland tomorrow.

Holy God

I'm only at the halfway point for day one and I want to die.

It's not the next 50 miles I'm scared of, although I'm sure it's going to suck, it's getting up tomorrow and having to start all over again.

WTF was I thinking when I signed up for this goddamn thing?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Can't Un-Read It

So I was poking around on the Seattle-to-Portland Ride website today looking for specifics on a few things, when I stumbled across an article entitled, "Suggested Mileage: Group Health STP 2008 Training for One or Two-Day Riders." My first reaction was just to laugh and wish I hadn't seen it. Now I'm wondering what the hell I've gotten myself into?

This article suggests a pretty regimented training plan for riders who hope not to die during the 200+ miles from Seattle to Portland. Needless to say, I'm a little late to the game and my training consisted of occasionally biking to Tiny's for coffee and vegan coffee cake. I'm seriously wondering if I can do this ride. I mean, I'm going to ride and I'm going to give it my all, but will I end up finishing under my own strength? Or in the back of an ambulance?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sweating Bullets

Not a lot going on at the moment. I am still trying to get some loose ends tied up for this weekend's STP ride. I still need a place to stay in Seattle for Friday and it looks like I'm going to have to drive up, which sucks, but I don't have much choice. All the group transports are full and I've yet to find someone to carpool with. So I'll likely drive, leave my truck in Seattle and take the train back up Monday or Tuesday to get it. Again, sucks, but what are my options?

I'm a little nervous about the ride. I keep going over it and no matter how you look at it, 200 miles is a long damn way. I'm sure I'll be fine - tired and sore, but fine.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Prepping for the STP

Actually, I rode very little over the weekend - maybe 15 miles since Friday. Next weekend will certainly be different.

I spent a good deal of time e-mailing folks. I got a place to sleep at the mid-way point next Saturday night - it's on the floor, but beggers can't be choosers. I still need a ride up to Seattle and a place to stay Friday night. Hopefully Monday will bring a solution.