Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well it's 5:15 and I'm off to yoga. This is only my second trip and I'm still at the stage where the bike ride is not what keeps me from going, it's the embarrassment of having my face down and ass up on a yoga mat in front of a room full of strangers. Not to mention, I have no yoga skills whatsoever - in fact, I'm pretty awful. I'm sure the people in the class think I'm there secretly filming a skit for Jackass. Yeah, I'm that bad. The ride down is only about 80 blocks - maybe 4 to 5 miles one way? That's a total guess. The one and only reason I'm actually going - I've promised myself I'd go to Powell's Books again tonight and get a coffee and read. (Normally, I'd just say 'fuck it' and go get the coffee, but I'm making a whole-life attempt at being better at a few things.)

Speaking of the ride down not being so bad - it's kinda chilly out. It's really tough getting used to the cold - it's easy to over-dress and have to stop to take stuff off. It never seems to fail that the rides start out cold only to become hotter than a Bikram Yoga class ten minutes later. I guess there's no easy answer and you just have to get used to changing clothes often. For the record, I am not taking Bikram Yoga - at the moment I'm having enough trouble with the yoga at room temperature.

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