Monday, July 28, 2008


Man, I've been such a pile since the STP ride. I've ridden my bike once and even then only for about 13 miles. My knee is still bothering me a bit, but that's just a crappy excuse. Truth is I've just been so lazy. That's all gonna change though over the next few days as I prepare for my next big ride.

Today I joined the Portland Wheelmen Bicycle Club. They do dozens of rides a week which include all sorts of terrain and fitness levels. I'm going to start picking up a couple of rides a week in order to 'train' for the Portland Century on August 24th. Hopefully by the time the 24th rolls around I'll be better prepared than I was for the STP. I don't ever want to be as sore as that again.

This past weekend here in beautiful Portland was the Oregon Brewers Fest, not to be confused with the North American Organic Brewers Festival which took place here in Portland back in June. Dani and I went to both. The one over this past weekend was huge. They estimate something like 60,000 people over the course of the weekend, which may not sound like a lot, until you remember they are only there to drink beer. Pretty much everyone is drunk or in the process of getting that way. Think Bill Bodmer on pretty much any of his birthdays - now multiple that times 60,000. Good times.

After the beer fest and still sober, we headed over to Voodoo Doughnuts. It was Sunday afternoon at 5 and there was a line probably 20 people deep waiting to get in. Voodoo is open 24 hours a day and they are without question the most popular doughnut place in Portland. They have several vegan varieties and with very little coaxing from Dani, I agreed to stand in the line for 20 minutes to have a vegan doughnut covered in broken Chick-a-sticks. Healthy? Shit no, but damn good.

Doughnuts in hand we went off to catch the bus back to Dani's place. We each bought two doughnuts, one to eat immediately and one for later. We waited about 10 minutes for the bus and by the time it rolled up, all 4 doughnuts were a fond memory. Yeah, they're that good.

You've seen what I'm eating, now here's what I'm reading and listening to:

My sister sent me a book called Marley and Me that I've just started reading. For those of you who live with a dog, want a dog or just love dogs in general this has been a really good book. It's made be both want a dog again and really miss Willis, Mudd and (to a lesser extent) Rudy.

Vashti Bunyan is a folk singer from the 60s. What little I know is she's British (or Scottish), she was discovered by the Rolling Stones, made one album, then disappeared from music for 30+ years. The music is folksy, but I really like it.

Lastly, my new favorite t-shirt is this little number I stumbled across yesterday.