Friday, June 6, 2008

Be Kind Rewind

Well, we didn't see Persepolis, although about ten minutes into Be Kind Rewind, we all wished we had. How does shit like this even get made? You'd think someone with this little vision, whose judgement is this bad could not possibly have risen through the ranks to become a director. And was there no one else on set who could speak up? Wow. Do yourself a favor here folks and avoid this pile.

The ride totaled out to just shy of 8 miles round trip. The ride down was OK, but I wasn't really feeling it. That was until this dude rode up behind me at a stoplight. Something about having someone ride behind you makes you try much harder. One minute I'm riding an Eddy Merckx, the next minute I am Eddy Fucking Merckx! Calling my helmet-less companion on the Trek hybrid a pussy for falling back on the hills. Come on, bitch, you gotta keep up! At least that's how it went down in my head. Truth is he kept up - and was right behind me the whole way downtown.

The ride back was not so fun. I came out of the movie theater to a pretty steady drizzle, which turned into a full on rain the closer I got to home. By the time I got home my jeans were pretty well soaked. I have rain pants, but it's a pain in the ass stopping and putting them on. I guess I'd rather be wet.

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