Sunday, June 1, 2008

Oh Crap

June 1st. Did I say I'd start June 1st, or July 1st? Unfortunately, I've told several people I'm doing this, so now I'm kinda screwed. Man, it's raining and kinda chilly, too.

Well, this is it - day 1. I don't have any real plans today, except I did agree to go with Dani to see the Sex and the City movie tonight way the hell downtown. I know, I know, Sex and the City. I'm trying to nourish my gay side. I've already e-mailed Dani that she's going to have to make it up to me by going to see the new Indiana Jones flick. She has yet to respond to that e-mail.

The ride yesterday was nice. The weather was beautiful and perfect for riding - sunny and probably 70. I rode downtown using my usual route, Burnside St. I met Dani for vegan brunch, which was amazing, then went to Matt's house to help with a computer that died. I also stopped by Cycle Path and test rode a Vamoots just for fun.

Most of the roads in Portland are really good for riding. I feel pretty safe being in traffic on most of them. Burnside has a bike lane a good portion of the way downtown. It's a little hilly and going downtown is the easy part - mostly down hill. Coming out of downtown is a pretty steady climb with a couple of steep sections leading back to my apartment. They seem to get a little easier every time I ride 'em. Since this this is my favorite way to come and go, I'm going to get a lot of practice.

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