Sunday, June 8, 2008

Spawn of Bodmer

Such a beautiful day today - total contrast to yesterday. Today was 70 and sunny. Unfortunately, I was terribly unmotivated to do much of anything. I finally got off my ass and went for a ride. Man, was I glad I did. I cleaned and lubed the chain and gears before I left and it made all the difference in the world. The Shimano 600 shifters still suck, but the bike sounded so much better and did shift a little better.

I rode down to Food Fight to pick up a few things to mail to Doll in Mississippi. She's a huge fan of the Stonewall's Jerkee and needless to say there is nowhere in Mississippi to buy it, so I like to surprise her every now and then by mailing off a bunch. She's got a big transport coming this weekend to Denver so I'm hoping if I mail tomorrow it'll arrive in time for her trip.

I spoke with Doll today and she was telling me they are swimming in animals. Lots of puppies, cats and kittens at the moment. She told me people keep dropping cats and kittens at the front gate and driving off - at least one has been killed by the 'grazer' dogs at the sanctuary. The desperately needed transport this weekend is to Every Creature Counts in Denver. They're a terrific group and help out a lot by taking quite a few animals from Project Hope. Hopefully Doll can get a lot of the young ones out this weekend. Of course the never ending problem is there are more coming in right behind them - especially in Mississippi.

After Food Fight, I rode over to Hawthorne to have a coffee and read a little. It was only like 4 and I had a movie commitment downtown at 7:30, so I decided to try and stretch it out rather than run home. It worked out pretty well - although I was at the coffee shop for longer than I had planned. I arrived at the movie a little early, so I returned a call to Mr. Bodmer, where he informed me that Gretchen was preggers. I was shocked. I mean look at that photo for chistsake! Does that look like a man that would get a woman pregnant? As it turns out, that photo of Bill was taken years before he enrolled in a course that turns homosexuals straight. They've got classes for everything these days.

Of course, I'm just kidding. Bill is straight as an arrow (I think.) Congratulations Bill and Gretchen. I didn't think it would happen this quickly, but I'm happy for you both.

1 comment:

Pidgen said...

Ack! You spilled the beans to the world! (Because we know every single person in the world reads your blog!) We were gonna wait a tiny bit, but that's ok, maybe the earlier we tell folks, the more stuff we'll get! LOL