Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Bad Yoga, Bad Hand

Man, I did not want to go to yoga tonight. I had to ride right by my apartment after hand therapy and it was so tempting to just forget all about yoga. I went though and I was glad I did. It was a really nice evening and the ride down was really quite lovely. Afterwards I stopped by Tiny's for coffee and read a little. I was also on and off the phone acting as liaison between Every Creature Counts in Denver and Doll at Project Hope in Mississippi. It's crunch time for the transport this weekend and I was still trying to get the final tally worked out.

Hand therapy went pretty much as I had expected. Mel extended me for another three weeks. I'm not thrilled at this prospect, but as a pregnant little birdie keeps telling me, "better to fix it now than deal with the aggrivation later." Thanks mom (or mom-to-be.) It's true, I guess, as long as there's still hope of it getting better, probably best to keep trying. Mel acknowledges that I won't get back full functionality, but if we keep going, it should at least improve from where it is now. And so I go.

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