It'll be alright. That's what I keep telling myself to get motivated. Truth is, it will be alright, but it might suck a little, too.
I'm back - and it wasn't that bad. It did rain - a lot, but I was prepared. It was actually kinda nice. Most importantly Pants has food so he can stop his 'alms for the poor' bit.
Dani stopped by with her broken laptop. Fortunately I was able to at least get it working again (for now.) The screen had gone out on it, but it has an external VGA port, so I plugged in a LCD monitor and voila! I loaned her the monitor and a flash drive to get her by. Man is her computer a piece of shiznit. It's an IBM Thinkpad that's probably 6 or so years old and looks like it's been dragged through a war zone. Hopefully my patch will get her by for a while longer. Keep those back-ups current, Dennenberg, because it's just a matter of time.
1 comment:
Don't get sick from riding in the rain!
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