Monday, June 9, 2008

Hand Therapy

I just got back from what is supposed to be my second to last hand therapy appointment. My guess is we're going to extend it for another few weeks. Progress has been really slow and my damn hand still hurts, too. I can't believe that some 4+ months after the accident my hand is still sore - and not just at the break, but my ring and middle fingers as well.

My therapist, Mel, is ever optimistic and tells me it's getting better - slowly, but is improving. I don't really see it. I see the numbers and they're different from the numbers I had when I first arrived, but my hand is still a constant source of pain and frustration. I still can't count coins in my left hand without them dribbling out all over the floor. Gripping handlebars is also a real problem. I suppose we'll just keep moving along and hopefully, eventually it will at least stop hurting.

On the biking front - I caved and bought a new helmet. I finally got tired of the old one leaving black shit on my forehead and in my hair. I bought a Giro Pneumo - this helmet is bad ass. It's super comfortable and has a ton of vent holes. Honestly, I forget I'm wearing it most of the time. I think the reason it's so comfortable is I bought a medium. I have a tiny peanut head and usually go for a small, which is tight because a medium has always felt too big. The Pneumo is big like a medium and close to being too big, but it fits and seems to fit really well. It wasn't cheap, but having a comfortable helmet can make all the difference in the world.

I also stopped using the CO2 air cartridges for filling tires. I read in Bicycling Magazine that the environmental impact of producing them is significant, plus the waste of spent cartridges. So I'm back to using strictly a pump. Of course, I hope I don't get another flat tire, but if I do I'm prepared. Just doing what I can to cut down my environmental footprint.

1 comment:

Pidgen said...

Better to fix it now than deal with the aggrivation later. I hope it starts to hurt less!