Thursday, June 19, 2008

Ni Hao

I start Chinese class tonight downtown. When I looked around for a class to take I found several offered all around Portland. I signed up for the one I start tonight because it's being offered free, for the Summer only, but hell, free. Hopefully it won't be a case of you get what you pay for because it's a long ride down and this part of downtown is a little sketchy, especially after dark. I may come out to find my bike stripped to the frame. Hopefully not. I should probably learn the Chinese word for "godamnit" just in case.

Since I have to go right by Whole Foods on the way, I'll probably stop off and grab a few things on the way back. No sense in having an easy ride home, right?

1 comment:

Pidgen said...

You'll also need to learn how to say candyass!