Saturday, July 5, 2008


No, not the crappy 90's band - the Seattle-to-Portland ride. I've been debating signing up for this thing for a couple of weeks. It's sold out, but there are lots of people selling registrations on Craigslist and the STP message boards. Well, this morning while perusing CL, I came across a guy selling his registration - I figured, why not. So I grabbed it up.

I may be biting off more than I can chew with this one. I mean, 200+ miles in two days? I get sleepy just thinking about driving that much, let alone biking it. I'm looking forward to it, though.

Now I'm trying to find a ride to Seattle, a room near the start line and a room at the half-way point, none of which is proving easy. I'm sure something will present itself.

I'll be posting here from the road. Blogger has a neat way of allowing you to e-mail posts. So I'll be posting from my iphone during the many breaks scheduled during the ride. Should be interesting.

1 comment:

Pidgen said...

I saw a blog someone put up here about their ride from Paris to, you can probably do STP! When is it? I'm sure you'll take plenty of pictures too, right?