Sunday, June 22, 2008


Nothing really to report from the weekend. I rode the motorcycle around a good part of the day Saturday - I really should have been on my bike, but I was really looking forward to riding the motorcycle.

Saturday night I went to see Indiana Jones with Dani downtown, which I did ride down to on my bike and not motorcycle. The movie was so-so. I think they tried a little too hard to re-capture the magic of the original movies. The movie started at 10, so I was riding back after midnight and arrived home a little before 1. Kinda scary being on the road at that hour with concerns of drunk drivers.

Today, I completely cheated and drove my truck to the grocery store. I know, I suck.

I also went to dinner with my co-worker Matt and his wife Leslie and Felix, their daughter. We went to Vita which is a mostly vegan restaurant not too far from their house. It's a pretty good haul, so I went by motorcycle.

I'll have to get busy back on the bike tomorrow.


Pidgen said...

June is almost over and you couldn't hold out? Candyass!

FastpitchRulz said...

I'm w/her! you couldn't even last past your birthday??shame on you bro!