Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Bike

I have been sore as hell all week - I still am, but not as much. Needless to say, I haven't even so much been able to look at the bike, let alone actually ride it anywhere. I'm hoping to get back on it this week, especially since I have another century coming in about a month and this time I actually plan to train a little. I'm going to try a couple of 50 mile rides, but first I have to feel well enough to go get a coffee.

On a completely unrelated note, I went to a bike shop the other day and ran into a girl there with a half-cast on her right arm that looked all too familiar. I asked if she was hit and she confirmed she was. I asked what she broke and she had almost the exact same injury I suffered in my accident, except she also severed her tendon - ouch. We spoke about the recovery process and how long it was likely to take and where I was at this point, some 5 months on now.

1 comment:

Pidgen said...

You better still be going to your hand therapy! I bet your new friend will go to hers. Did she hurt the same hand?